Nemtek Energizer

Nemtek Energizer

Products and prices available:
*Druid 13 energizer RTGS 18 700
*Druid 1 zone keypad RTGS 5 940
*Fence uprights starting from RTGS 330
*Braided wire from RTGS 4 070

The Nemtek Energizers provide you with high quality electric fencing solutions for home, commercial and infrastructure security. Via advanced warning of any fence breach or tampering, these energizers have the capability to identify the specific area should an intrusion occur, meaning that security resources can quickly be directed to where they are required.

Using the Adaptive Power Technology (APT) pioneered by Nemtek, these energizers offer a unique technology to detect how much power a fence can accept and handle before it starts to arc and waste energy. This maximises the power on the fence and minimises false alarms

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